Tuesday, 17 July 2012

More Piku of Ciel

Dan.. Dan.. Dan..Dan..Dance...
Their pose is funny :)
Yet the expressions is like that except for Viscount Druitt.
hehehe :p

Emoticon Kaomoji

Emoticons (emotional icons) are used to compensate for the inability to convey voice inflections, facial expressions, and bodily gestures in written communication. Some emoticons are better known as "smileys." Emoticons can be very effective toward avoiding misinterpretation of the writer's intents. 

While there are no standard definitions for the following emoticons, we have supplied their most usual meanings. In Japan hardly any email or IM message get written which doesn’t contain some form of smileys or emoticons. While emoji (graphical presentations of emoticons) are probably most known, “kaomoji” (from “kao” = face, “moji” = character) are the Japanese version of Western emoticons and there are practically endless variations available. 

The biggest difference to the Western counterpart is probably that they are read horizontally and you don’t need to turn your head to understand them, for example the Western emoticon for “Happy” looks like this :-) while the Japanese version looks like this (^_^).

Monday, 16 July 2012

Ciel Phantomhive Evil Grin

I'm back again~~~
I decide I will save the page that I'm interest in. who ho ho :D
And I will share here too...
Who knows you will curious and wanna read too :p
Anybody know Kuroshitsuji / Black Butler?

Sunday, 15 July 2012

Meningkatkan Kecepatan Browser

Yang suka Online... yang suka browsing... yang suka surfing...
pasti paling tidak suka kalau browser yang dipakai itu LOLA !!
LOading-nya LAmbat

ya iya lah... siapa juga yang suka :(
Aku dapat tips simpel untuk meningkatkan kecepatan browser kalian.
Kalau berminat, check it out !

Saturday, 14 July 2012

Me And My Foolish Action

Good Evening ~~~ Selamat Sore ~~~ Konbanwa ~~~
Setelah aku mengabaikan blog ini lagi selama sekian minggu, aku akhirnya bisa memposting sesuatu. hahaha

Selama sekian tahun hidup pasti kita pernah melakukan beberapa tindakan bodoh yang kalau kita ingat-ingat lagi, hal itu memang bodoh.. sangat bodoh =_="
Tapi ada lucu-lucunya juga. :D
Tidak hanya saat masih kecil, sampai sekarang pun aku sering menyesali tindakan bodoh yang aku lakukan. Iya, walaupun tidak sesering dulu tentunya. :p

Aku sering bertindak tanpa memikirkan hasilnya. Kadang-kadang aku melakukan sesuatu untuk memuaskan rasa ingin tahuku yang hasilnya pasti tidak akan bagus. Rasa ingin tahu yang membuatku tidak beruntung, kadang-kadang.