Wednesday, 28 January 2015

Kejadian Lucu yang Bikin Malu

Duh! siapa sih yang ga pernah ngalamin sial? semuanya pasti pernah! termasuk aku tentunya. haaahh :o
ckckck! kejadian itu malu-maluin banget!! orang yang liat pasti ketawa soalnya lucu tapi bagi yang ngalamin aka yang jadi korban... itu beuh... bikin malu! bener deh! terkadang kejadian sial yang dialami sumbernya, ya dari diri sendiri juga. haha :D gara-gara kurang hati-hati sial, deh, lo!

Banyak kejadian sial dan bikin malu yang dah pernah aku alamin. Pas kejadian itu terjadi, ya malu-maluin banget deh tapi kalo dipikir-pikir sekarang kejadian itu lucu..  Bikin ketawa, senyum-senyum ga jelas sendiri! Pokoknya bikin sadar kalo ternyata aku di masa itu bodoh banget. err.. Mungkin kelewat lugu kali, ya sampe kelewat batas jadinya masuk ke kategori bodoh! Yes, you're stupid!

Ini nih beberapa kejadian yang pernah aku alamin. Banyak, sih sebenarnya tapi apa daya, kapasitas memori otak udah full jadi ga bisa inget sedetailnya.. alasan!! hahaha :D

Sunday, 11 January 2015

Sign of A Lie


Yahoo~ ^_^
I'm just re-read Dr. Frost webtoon and voila! I found it. The sign of a lie. 
Professor Frost told me this.. haha :D

The webtoon is awesome. If you like psychological things you will love it. 
"Dr. Frost" webtoon. It's a must read story!

Back to Lie. 

People rarely spent the day without a lies. This is what I believe. No matter is it one or two lie, a lie is a lie.
People often say that the truth is hurt. A lie is sweetest than the truth. Once you know the truth you will feel bitter. Well... depend on the person itself.

Friday, 2 January 2015

iKon - Long Time No See Lyrics [Romaji & English]

Mix & Match - iKon

Mix & Match already finished. Finally iKon member confirmed. Team B + Jung Chanwoo. I like this combination. At least, all of Team B member become iKon member now.. :)

One of their song that they performed on the final of Mix & Match is "Long Time No See"
I like this song. Can't wait to their debut this year. As YG said, iKon will debut early on this year. he he :D

Now, here are the lyric. Btw.. I don't translated the lyric into English. They already translated it, so I just post it here... :p